How Does Trigger Point Therapy Work?

How Does Trigger Point Therapy Work?

People seek healing massage and therapies to relieve muscle pain and tension and unlock the body’s deep relaxation state. Several reasons, such as dehydration, muscle stress, and weakness, might result in the formation of trigger points. These trigger points might trigger injured and overworked muscles, leading to more stretch and pain affecting body movements. It is crucial to unwind the knotted muscles with the help of trigger point therapy, which provides instant relief and recharges your body for daily activities. 

So, what’s this trigger point therapy, and how does this therapeutic massage effectively relieve pain and relax muscle tissue?  Read the blog to take away insights.

What Is Trigger Point Therapy?

Trigger points are small, hypersensitive areas within muscle tissue that cause pain and stiffness. Each muscle contains a bundle of muscle fibers called fascia, a web of collagen that acts like glue to hold the muscles together. A trigger point is a small, tight area like a band of muscle fiber and fascia that restricts blood flow in areas and causes more pain. 

You can use trigger point therapy as a remedial therapy, where skilled and trained therapists use fingers to press points and work on easy muscle movements. As a result, therapy works to stream oxygen flow in the blood and flush the materials out. Trigger point therapy is an effective healing technique that works for pain management with a specific technique and movements. Most trigger points are found in upper body parts like the back, shoulders, and neck; these are painful spots that feel more sensitive and painful to touch. 

Some of the visible trigger points present over the body:

  • Shoulder, Neck & Head 
  • Hands and Arms 
  • Feet and Legs
  • Chest and Abdomen

Steps for Trigger Point Therapy 

Professional therapists are skilled and trained to help patients with deep relaxation and healing. Here are the considerable steps that are followed by the trigger point therapy:

Step 1: Identify the area of pain and discomfort with range of motion and muscle tightness to locate trigger points. 
Step 2: The therapist will use heat and light massage to improve blood flow and make the client feel more relaxed and comfortable. 
Step 3: The therapist will spot exact trigger points using the palpation technique or other methods for tender points. 
Step 4: Slowly, the therapist will exert firm pressure on the body area for trigger points using fingers and knuckles. The time frame might be 10 to 3o seconds. 
Step 5: For flexibility, range of motion, and stretching to relieve pain and release stressful pressure. 
Step 6: Lastly, the therapist will re-evaluate the area to check if the area still has pain and tension. 

Based on the target area, treatment, and client expectations, the steps mentioned above for trigger point therapy aim to achieve deep relaxation and a pain-free experience. 

Conditions to Be Treated With Trigger Point Therapy

The therapy offers the best solution for managing muscle pain and tension and effectively treats several conditions. An inactive lifestyle might cause mobility issues, and trigger point therapy can help several conditions

Tension Headache 

Severe headaches can cause more pain; trigger point therapy relieves pain from the neck and shoulder by relaxing muscles to reduce the intensity of pain. 

Chronic Muscle Pain

Trigger points might create persistent muscle pain that can lead to conditions like chronic myofascial pain syndrome. It helps deactivate the trigger point and release pain. 


This condition is caused by trigger points in the lower back and gluteal muscles that cause sciatica pain. It targets points that help ease pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduce pain.


People with Fibromyalgia deal with muscle pain and tenderness, and trigger point therapy helps in managing pain and improving quality of life. 

Does Trigger Point Therapy Cause More Pain?

In trigger point therapy, the therapist puts slight pressure on target areas that might cause a little discomfort, but overall, the therapy is not painful. Specifically, if you have an injury after an accident or other conditions, availing of trigger point therapy might cause more pain due to damaged nerves and muscles. Trigger Point Therapy works as manual therapy, instrument-based techniques, spray and stretch, and Myofascial Release. 

Consult Better Health Concepts for Trigger Point Therapy!

If you are looking for professional therapists specializing in therapeutic massage, trust Better Health Concepts, the best therapy centre in New Hope. Get the best treatment for trigger point therapy to heal your muscle pain and tension with a relaxation session. No more hassle for pain management; we are reliable professionals for the best therapies like body stretching, trigger points, prenatal massage, and therapeutic massage. Lead a stress-free life with our licensed trigger point massage therapist.

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