Is therapeutic massage painful?
No, the therapeutic massage does not cause any pain during the session. However, it might cause a little discomfort if the therapist uses too much pressure on the targeted area.
What will happen at my first massage appointment?
During the first appointment, your massage therapist will ask you about your medical health history to recommend the best massage therapy for you.
Can I ask for more or less pressure during the session?
Of course, a good massage therapist will adjust the pressure to make you feel relaxed and ensure that it does not cause pain during the massage session.
What benefits can I reap with therapeutic massage?
Therapeutic massage offers plenty of benefits like pain reduction, stress relief, improved muscles, recovery of the body’s overall flexibility, and a lot more.
How will I ensure that the massage clinic is well-established?
You need to do your search about the massage clinic by visiting the website and checking their clients’ reviews and experience in the field.
What is the duration of the full-body massage?
The full body massage can be offered in 30, 60, and 90 minutes intervals. You can also customize the treatment based on your needs.
Should I eat before I arrive for the massage session?
It is best not to eat anything before the massage session. You must avoid eating at least 90 minutes before, however, a light meal is recommended.
Do I need a doctor’s referral for the massage therapist?
No, there are no such referral requirements to see a massage therapist. You just need to find the best therapist catering to your needs.
What if I feel uncomfortable with my body?
You must let your therapist know your comfort level. Based on that, you can cover or drape your area, which does not require a massage during the session.
When should I not get a massage?
Well, there are no such conditions that would prevent you from getting a massage. However, talking to your therapist before getting a massage is important.